The SRPSD Intensive Supports Team is comprised of highly qualified professionals in education, mental health, psychology, speech and language pathology and occupational therapy. This interprofessional team works in collaboration with school teams with a focus on a capacity-building approach in providing ongoing coaching and consultative supports so that school teams have the necessary resources to respond to student needs. In cases of extreme needs, direct student interventions by our professionals or others in our school communities can be considered and such services may be need to be prioritized based on available resources.
Identification and assessment of student needs begin in the classroom, through direct teacher observation. At this level, intervention is delivered in the form of adaptations and adjustments to the learning environment or subject matter. Teacher consultation regarding concerns and progress should occur with parents/guardians and the school team. The school’s Inclusive Education Coach should also be consulted when teacher adaptations are not having the desired impacts on student growth.
When further consultation is needed, the next step is a discussion with the school’s Intensive Supports Consultant. The Intensive Supports Consultant will then have the opportunity to connect with their Intensive Supports Coach and other members of the SRSPSD Intensive Supports Team. The Intensive Supports Coach, Consultant or other team member will follow-up with the school team to discuss additional supports that may be considered to respond to the identified student need.
Consultation with a member of the Intensive Supports Team will yield either additional strategies to try in the classroom, coaching supports, a Collaboration-Team (C-Team) meeting for further information gathering and intervention planning, or standardized assessment through formal referral. Formal referrals assessments or direct interventions cannot be made without initial discussion with the Intensive Supports Consultant.
Below is a more detailed description of the consultation process in responding to more specific student needs.
Jump to:
- Inclusive Education: Intensive Supports
- Educational Psychology
- Speech and Language Pathology
- Occupational Therapy
- Social-Emotional Concerns
Inclusive Education – SRPSD Intensive Supports
Step 1:
Classroom teacher identifies student need and explores various strategies, interventions and adaptations to accommodate the student’s needs.
Step 2:
Classroom teacher consults with school-based Inclusive Education Coach to brainstorm and implement additional strategies, interventions or supports.
Step 3:
School team will consult with the Intensive Supports Consultant to explore further interventions and strategies to support the student in an inclusive setting. The Consultant will consider further referrals and consultations with other SRPSD Intensive Supports Team Members or other agencies. The SRPSD Intensive Supports Consultant, Coach or other referred team member will follow-up with the school to discuss additional supports.
Educational Psychology
Step 1:
Classroom teacher identifies student need and explores various strategies, interventions and adaptations to accommodate the student’s needs.
Step 2:
Classroom teacher consults with school-based Inclusive Education Coach to brainstorm strategies and possible educational assessments.
Step 3:
If further interventions are required to support students, consult with your Intensive Supports Consultant. The Consultant will collabaration with their Intensive Supports Coach and Psychologist to identify any possible additional interventions that can be implemented. Consideration for a referral for a psycho-educational assessment may be discussed at that point. The SRPSD Intensive Supports Consultant, Coach or other referred team member will follow-up with the school to discuss additional supports.
For more detailed information on Educational Psychology services and the referral process please consult:
SPRSD Educational Psychology Service Delivery Model
Speech and Language Pathology (SLP)
Step 1:
Classroom teacher identifies student need and explores various strategies, interventions and adaptations to accommodate the student’s needs.
Visit the Speech and Language website for further strategies and tools.
Step 2:
Classroom teacher consults with school-based Inclusive Education Coach to brainstorm and implement additional strategies, interventions or supports.
Step 3:
School team will consult with the Intensive Supports Consultant to explore further interventions and strategies to support the student in an inclusive setting. The Consultant will consider further referrals and consultations with the Intensive Supports Coach and SLP. The SRPSD Intensive Supports Consultant, Coach or SLP will follow-up with the school to discuss additional supports.
For more detailed information on Speech Language Pathology services and the referral process please consult:
SPRSD Speech Language Pathology Service Delivery Model
Occupational Therapy
Step 1:
Classroom teacher identifies student need and explores various strategies, interventions and adaptations to accommodate the student’s needs.
Step 2:
Classroom teacher consults with school-based Inclusive Education Coach to brainstorm strategies and possible educational assessments.
Step 3:
School team will consult with the Intensive Supports Consultant to explore further interventions and strategies to support the student in an inclusive setting. The Consultant will consider further referrals and consultations with the Intensive Supports Coach and OT. The SRPSD Intensive Supports Consultant, Coach or OT will follow-up with the school to discuss additional supports.
For more detailed information on Occupational Therapy services and the referral process please consult:
SPRSD Occupational Therapy Service Delivery Model
Social-Emotional Concerns
Step 1:
Classroom teacher identifies student need and explores various strategies, interventions and adaptations to accommodate the student’s needs.
Step 2:
Classroom teacher consults with school-based Inclusive Education Coach to brainstorm strategies and possible educational assessments.
Step 3:
If further interventions are required to support students, consult with your Mental Health Coach. The Mental Health Coach may consult with the school social worker or other members of the SRPSD Intensive Supports Team to identify any possible additional interventions that can be implemented. The Mental Health Coach will follow-up with the school to discuss additional supports.
For urgent mental health concerns requiring immediate individual supports
Consult with your school-based Social Worker or SHA Outreach Worker. Formal referral for ongoing individual supports will be decided at that point.