At the November 5 Organizational Meeting of the Saskatchewan Rivers Public Board of Education, the Board re-acclaimed Barry Hollick as Chair and Jaimie Smith-Windsor as Vice-Chair for the 2018-2019 year. With the acclamation, trustees demonstrated an appreciation of the solid guidance from Chair Hollick and Vice-Chair Smith-Windsor in the last year and trust in their continued leadership.
Both expressed appreciation for the confidence the trustees placed in them and committed themselves to working for the best interests of our students. Chair Hollick remarked, “It is an honour to serve the students, families and electors as Board Chair and a pleasure to work again with the very skilled Vice-Chair Smith-Windsor and the rest of the dedicated trustees.” Vice-Chair Smith-Windsor echoed those comments indicating “It is a privilege to work as Vice-Chair with this group of trustees who are so committed to strong governance, overcoming challenges and providing excellence for our students.” Learn more about the Board at – About Us (Leadership & Governance).
The Board meets on one Monday each month for Regular Board meeting. The front doors open at 4:45 p.m. for the public, with the Regular session beginning at new time of 5:30 p.m. Please refer to our website for the meeting dates and the agendas –