December 14, 2020 to January 15, 2021

SRPSD is following the late-breaking recommendation from the local Health officials to move all schools to Level 4 of the Saskatchewan Safe Schools Plan.  Grade PreK-12 students in all SRPSD schools will be temporarily participating in remote learning from December 14, 2020 to January 15, 2021.  These are the key questions parents are asking:

  1. Why short notice?
    1. School divisions meet with Health regularly but this arose at an urgent meeting called at 3:30 on Friday December 11.
    2. SRPSD shared our perspectives and Health shared their newest and alarming data about cases, trends, reproductive rates, test positivity rates, tracing and follow-up capacity in the city and in communities around PA.
    3. Health finalized their recommendation around 5:00 on Friday Dec. 11 and school divisions began the communication process shortly.


  1. Why do this at all?  Some schools have no cases at all in them.
    1. Schools have been doing amazing work to prevent transmission and we have a near perfect record.  Despite the 40+ cases in our schools, there has been only one where transmission might have occurred to another person at school.
    2. Schools are safe places but we need to do this to support the health care system
    3. This is a Health recommendation based on their alarming data and a preventative measure to prevent the further spread of COVID and to preserve the integrity of the Health care system.


  1. How will remote learning be any better than last spring?
    1. Schools and teachers have plans in place and have established remote learning platforms (Google Classroom or SeeSaw) in their classrooms.  Refer to the ”Classroom Isolation Protocol” document from Jen
    2. Since last fall, teachers have been asked to be prepared to move to remote learning on short notice and have strategies in place.
    3. Schools and teachers have learned from the cases of short-term isolation that others have experienced so far.
    4. There will be challenges to overcome, but this is expected to be a short-term remote learning event, not one that is months long.


  1. Where do I find out more details?
    1. Look for more details coming from your child’s school early next week. Stay connected to your child’s teacher and your school for ongoing support and information.