St. Louis Public School

On June 14, St. Louis Public School celebrated the first year of the Michif Early Language Acquisition Program for our PreK/K class.  The event was well attended and gave us a chance to spend some time with our families around our tables eating traditional foods, such as boullettes ay lii beignes (meatballs and fried bannock),

June 20, 2022 Board Meeting Highlights

Board Celebrates Graduates The Board members’ forum is part of each Board meeting that provides an opportunity for trustees to share accolades or concerns from constituents and summarize recent trustee activities.  At the recent meeting, this part of the agenda was full of celebrations of Grade 12 Graduations and Grade 8 Farewells.  Elementary schools often

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day with many learning and celebration events.  We know that Indigenous peoples have made invaluable contribution to this country and continue to play a strong role in shaping our present and our future.  Too often, we do not recognize the strength and resilience of Indigenous peoples

École Debden Public School Awarded Student Citizenship Award

Public Schools of Saskatchewan held its second annual Student Citizenship Award initiative.  This award recognizes student groups or classes that support citizenship or character building within their school and community. In March 2022, École Debden Public School student Gracie Cyr saw a poster for a $1000 Student Leadership Award.  She knew Desireé Pott, Kyra Johnson,

John Diefenbaker Public School partners with Mann-Northway GM

On Friday, June 3, 2022, John Diefenbaker Public School officially partnered with Mann-Northway GM.  They are generously supporting John Diefenbaker’s breakfast program moving forward.  The school is so thankful for their support in caring about the school community.  A huge shout out to Mark, Tyler and everyone at Mann-Northway!            

June 6, 2022 Board Meeting Highlights

Board Approves 2022-2023 School Division Budget Over the last many years, fiscal stewardship has been an essential strength of the SRPSD Board of Education’s governance work.  Last year, the Board made difficult budget decisions to prepare a solid path for the future.  Since then, staff and trustees have worked successfully to reconnect students and families

“Excellence for Every Learner” Podcast

Dave Lokinger and Ryan Hughes continue to create an “Excellence for Every Learner” podcast.  The last episode of the season has now been uploaded.  Check it out and be sure to watch for the upcoming season in the Fall of 2022. You can access them: On Spotify: You do not need a paid Spotify account

King George Public School’s Principal for the Day

Mr. Charlie won the prize of being principal for the day by raising money during our Walkathon and Thursday, June 2, 2022, was his big day!  He performed important Principal duties like sitting back with his feet up, got to meet our division’s Director of Education, Mr. Bratvold, and got to help execute a fire

June is Pride Month

Pride Month is celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. Today, celebrations include pride parades, picnics, parties, workshops, symposia and concerts, and these events attract millions of participants around the