SRPSD recognizes Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day in Saskatchewan

Annually March 21 is observed as International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.  SRPSD requested and the Minister of Education has proclaimed this day as Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day in Saskatchewan. While progress has been made, this day is a chance for us to reflect on the fact that there are some who

SRPSD Ribbon Skirt and Shirt Day – March 8, 2024

The fourth annual SRPSD Ribbon Skirt and Ribbon Shirt Day is Friday, March 8th, 2024. The inaugural division wide Ribbon Skirt and Ribbon Shirt Day was to stand in solidarity with now 12-year-old Isabella Kulak, a member of Cote First Nation, whose story gained national attention and started a movement when she was shamed for

SRPSD supports Pink Day

The Ministry of Education has declared February 28, 2024, as Pink Shirt Day in Saskatchewan. Pink Day began in 2007, when a grade nine student in Cambridge, Nova Scotia was bullied by classmates for wearing a pink shirt to school. Taking notice, two students rallied their peers to send a message to the bullies. The