Riverside Aboriginal Arts Festival

Riverside Public School recently partnered with Sask Culture, Sask Arts Board, Government of Sask and Sask Lotteries to prepare a very special year end performance at the EA Rawlinson Center for the Arts.  MLA Nicole Rancourt recently spoke to the Legislative Assembly in congratulating the staff and students. “The Riverside Aboriginal Arts Festival is a

Christopher Lake Public School Proud Announcement

  One of our own, Quinn Smith-Windsor has recently received a scholarship to travel to Kenya.  Her purpose in Kenya will be to assist local people in learning how to garden, thus providing a sustainable food source in times of need.  Her times of travel will be August 4th to August 17th, 2016. Quinn has

Called to Action

SRPSD Learning Consultants Tracy Bloomquist and Linda Greyeyes-Highway recently called on Principal Dawne Adams and PACI staff to offer a strong response to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action #62 “Reconciliation must support Aboriginal peoples as they heal from the destructive legacies of colonization that have wreaked such havoc in their lives.

A Proud Representative of Meath Park Public School!

Meath Park Public School is so proud of Emily Zbaraschuk who participated in the  Canada-Wide Science Fair this year in Montreal. As Prince Albert and Area’s representative Emily received a Silver Medal for her project ‘Music, Rocks and all that Jazz- How Music Affects Learning’. This is a tremendous accomplishment! SRPSD extends congratulations too!

Canwood Public School

Canwood recently got involved with The Royal Saskatchewan Museum as they held a Saskatchewan Fossil campaign in April to select the provincial fossil (we have lots of provincial emblems, but no fossil emblem!). They had a contest for Grade 7 classes across the province to create a short video championing one of the fossils and

Wild Rose Public School

The official awareness week for PID World Awareness was April 22-29. Recently the students, staff and school community of Wild Rose Public School came together in an effort to raise awareness of Primary Immune Deficiencies (PID). This disorder affects one of the families at Wild Rose and so we thought it would be nice to

Science Club Road Tripping!

Meath Park Public School’s Science Club travelled to the University of Saskatchewan on Wednesday April 27th to compete in the Let’s Talk Science Challenge. This is a science event hosted by 23 universities across Canada to challenge grade 6-8 students to learn more about science, math, and technology. The competition consisted of a 60 minute quiz

OSCAR’s LOVE of Literacy and Reading News

Thanks to all our QMPS families who joined us in our events which celebrated our love of life-long literacy learning and reading. In March, our Grades 1 -3 Book Club invited their families in for a DROP everything & read evening to celebrate their participation in our lunch-time Book Club. Throughout the year, all grades

B U B Confident Girls Group

École Vickers Public School believes in helping globally and perform selfless acts locally too. B U B CONFIDENT girls group, organized a school food drive to support the growing need at our local food bank. In total, they collected an amazing 599 items!!!!

Odds n’ Ends

We all know SRPSD lives its motto of Excellence for Every Learner through the dedicated work of nearly 1,200 caring staff. Everyday unique learning opportunities abound all over our 32 schools.