1. Urban High Schools Move to Level 4 After Christmas
The Board of Education confirmed their support for the recommendation from Health to move to Level 4 in Prince Albert high schools for the two weeks after Christmas. Health and school division personnel reviewed the various health data and it became clear that the projected case trends in the teen population indicated that the most appropriate decision is to move to remote learning for Carlton, PACI, Wesmor and Won Ska. Staff will be on site, some students with specialized learning needs will be in schools, and the rest of the students in schools will participate in remote learning from January 4-15, 2021.

2. SRPSD Answers the Call to Action on Reconciliation
Supporting Indigenous students has been a focus for years in SRPSD, but when the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) published its Calls to Action in 2015, the Board renewed and refocused its commitment to Reconciliation. At the recent Board meeting, Indigenous Perspectives Team leader Jodi Letendre and Superintendent Jennifer Hingley updated the Board on what SRPSD has done in response to the Calls to Action. The update included reports on the amazing start of the Cree Language Kindergarten program at John Diefenbaker, the Tipi Raising in the outdoor learning space at King George and the live streaming of Elder Liz Settee’s teachings across the division to dozens of classrooms.

3. Staff Acknowledged for Dedication and Excellence in Innovation
Trustees at the recent Board meeting indicated their appreciation for the fantastic work that teachers and staff have been doing under very difficult circumstances. As part of the Trustee forum in the meeting, Trustees shared many examples of how the committed SRPSD team showed innovative ways to stay connected with students and families as well as provide creative learning opportunities for students. Collectively the Board expressed deep appreciation and commended the dedication and commitment of the staff for exemplary work in serving students, families and communities. The Board indicated that so much of the work that people are doing is done without fanfare or attention, but it is
admired and worth celebrating.

The Board hopes this brief update can provide information and promote communication. If you want further details about the Board and its meetings, you can find information at this link SRPSD Board Information or under the “About Us” tab at www.srsd119.ca. You are also encouraged to contact your local trustee.

We look forward to the connection!

SRPSD Board of Education 
Barry Hollick, Chair bhollick@srsd119.ca Arne Lindberg alindberg@srsd119.ca
Darlene Rowden,


drowden@srsd119.ca Alan Nunn anunn@srsd119.ca
Cher Bloom cbloom@srsd119.ca Jaimie Smith-Windsor jsmith-windsor@srsd119.ca
Bill Gerow bgerow@srsd119.ca Michelle Vickers mvickers@srsd119.ca
Grant Gustafson ggustafson@srsd119.ca Bill Yeaman byeaman@srsd119.ca