At the February 8, 2021 Board Meeting, staff appreciation emerged in many conversations. Trustees frequently expressed gratitude for the amazing work of staff to provide excellence in education, despite the extra challenges from COVID. Other meeting highlights include:

1. Guidance from the Elders & Knowledge Keepers Council
Trustees discussed the valuable contribution and support that Elders and Knowledge Keepers provide through their presence in schools and more recently through live-streaming Elders sessions to multiple classrooms. There was also a deep appreciation for the guidance that Elders have provided to the Board directly through conversation with trustees at the Elders Council. The recent Elders Council gathering highlighted the valuable guidance from Elders that supported the successful development of the Cree Language Program and ongoing implementation of the Following Their Voices initiative in several SRPSD schools.

2. Additional Technology Devices for Students
The Board conveyed appreciation for the update on the successful acquisition and distribution of Chromebooks for students. Through a successful application for additional provincial funds, SRPSD purchased 2600 Chromebooks to support student in-person learning and to support remote learning for students affected by COVID. Distribution began in the fall and the last of the Chromebooks arrived and were delivered to schools in January. For years, all teachers have been provided with laptops and students have had access to devices as well, but now student access is greatly enhanced.

3. Local and Provincial Planning Aligned
The development of a 10-year Provincial Education Plan has been interrupted by COVID in the same way that the renewal of the SRPSD Strategic Plan has been delayed. However, that planning work is now continuing with the division’s survey of all staff and partner organizations and the Ministry’s development of a 1 year interim provincial plan. Trustees supported the provincial focus on responding to COVID-related Learning Delays, Reading Supports and Mental Health & Wellbeing. Local survey response from staff and partners indicates that similar priorities will emerge in the SRPSD strategic plan. Both the provincial and division plans are expected to be complete by the end of this school year and ready for implementation in the fall of 2021.

The Board hopes this brief update can provide information and promote communication. If you want further details about the Board and its meetings, you can find information at this link SRPSD Board Information or under the “About Us” tab at You are also encouraged to contact your local trustee.

SRPSD Board of Education 
Barry Hollick, Chair Arne Lindberg
Darlene Rowden,

Vice-Chair Alan Nunn
Cher Bloom Jaimie Smith-Windsor
Bill Gerow Michelle Vickers
Grant Gustafson Bill Yeaman