The Distance Learning Centre (DLC) has over 425 students from Kindergarten to grade 12. One of the goals of the DLC is to engage students in their learning through various online activities prepared by their teachers. We continually connect with our students and families on a daily basis through avenues such as emails, phone calls, zoom meetings, and google meets.
We have also incorporated a monthly spirit day for our students and have invited all students to take part. The first Wednesday of each month has been determined as “Wacky Wednesday” at the DLC. We communicate the spirit day through our monthly newsletter as well as our daily email communication with our families.
Of course, we don’t get to see our students dress up and wander through the hallways, but we invite them to dress up at home and send us a picture. Once we receive their picture, we immediately post it on our website in a carousel splash page. The students can view their classmates from home. As an incentive, we give out a several prizes to the best-spirited online learners. We mail the prizes home to them.
On Wednesday, November 4th we had our first Wacky Wednesday and the theme was Crazy Hat day. It was a huge success, and we look forward to our next Wacky Wednesday on Wednesday, December 2nd.