Workshop notes: Find workshop notes attached in the calendar below.
After 1 year notes will be moved to Archived Workshop Notes.

How to Use Virtues to Create a Safe Classroom
May 13 @ 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
How to Use Virtues to Create a Safe Classroom
Approved by:
Kelly Gerhardt, Superintendent of Schools |
☐Expected ☒Invitation Notes: |
Sub Covered by:
☐Division ☒Decentralized Mileage Covered by Division |
☒On your own ☐Provided
Who: Teachers
Date: May 13th 2025 Time: 9:00-3:30 Location: Ed Center Facilitator(s): Carol Lemire, Kami Karakochuk, Darlana Harding Bring: Laptop |
Overview: How to use Virtues to address Mental Health and Behaviors in the Classroom
· Importance of a Safe Classroom · What the Brain needs for mental health…what can we control? · Belonging- the classroom is the primary place where a culture of connection and belonging is cultivated…how do we do this? · Tipi Teachings and Virtues are ways of thinking, feeling and acting that we can habitually do that are good for others and ourselves.
During this time participants will have a chance to work through scenarios, learning how they can weave virtue teachings into the curriculum.
For workshop information contact: 764-1571
Deadline for Registration: Registration will only be accepted through online registration Maximum Participants: Workshop Name: Virtues – 05/13/25 Complete “Request for Leave” Form: (please check one):
☒ Curriculum (CURR)